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The blackmail of America

1 nedelja, 07 mart 2010 16:20
Dakle, g-dja Gorin je u tom toliko prozivanom Americkom savetu za Kosovo, za koji se digla tolika prasina, da je toboze otimano od "gladnih usta" da bi se davalo tamo nekim besposlenim Amerikancima. Ko i malo poznaje americku politicko-analiticku scenu, poznat joj je rad g-dje Gorin, i koliko se zauzimala da se prosiri istina o Srbima.

Svaka cast Gorinovoj, kao i Georgu Jatrasu i ostalima koji se godinama trude da bace tracak svetlosti na ocrnjenu i pomracenu sliku o Srbima.
2 nedelja, 07 mart 2010 17:02
Julija Gorin je jedna od retkih žena na zapadu koja se sa svojim komentarima odupire antisrpskoj propagandi globalne štampe .Hvala joj
3 nedelja, 07 mart 2010 20:06
Kume, izgore drzava! Neka gori, dodaj jos drva!
"A political solution] could have been reached with Serbia, but neither the Clinton administration nor that of George W. Bush wanted one." (Politicko resenje moglo se postici sa Srbijom, ali ni Klintonova ni Busova administracija nije takvo resenje zelela.) Problem je za Srbiju mnogo veci: ono sto su zeleli Klinton i Bus - sad zarko zeli Tadic! On ne samo da izvlaci Kosovo iz Srbije, on na vlastitu (ili nemacku) inicijativu otvara i pitanje Vojvodine i njenog podrzavljenja! Ironicno - on na taj nacin otezava stvar nasem americkom "savezniku". Jer, kad bi Srbija pruzila iole znacajniji otpor velikosiptarskim ambicijama (kojima je sad cilj "reintegrisati" sever Kosova, koji nikad nije ni bio deo Kosova, nego ga je Tito uveo naknadno u sastav AO Kosovo i Metohija, sluteci valjda sta ce se desavati kad on umre!) - tad bi i Amerika mogla da se postavi cvrsce prema Siptarima, pravdajuci to obzirima prema srpskoj strani. Ovako, i Amerika je osudjena da bude siptarski talac. A da smo mi talac Borisa Tadica i kuma mu Sutanovca - to je sramota.Ako u Americi sve vide, zasto nece da vide i na Dedinju? Zasto i Amerikance muci to sto se desava na Kosovu - a Tadic i njegovi se smeskaju i samo razmisljaju kad da ugoste kumove te "drzave"?!
4 nedelja, 07 mart 2010 21:24
Lubisha Yovanovich
Thank you Ms Gorin, but your article is just a tiny little droplet of truth in the ocean of bad (communist-like) propaganda and rotten lies.
5 ponedeljak, 08 mart 2010 13:19
My deepest bow and appreciation for Ms Gorin`s dedication and passion in defending the truth and equal rights of all people.
A significant number of USA citizens and politicians,as well as diplomats,have been disillusioned by Bush@Clinton`s administration decisions regarding wars and war-economy.
But USA seems to be ruled by a tiny group of oligarchs and their puppet-politicians either from Bush or Clinton family interested only in lining their own pockets.
Indians,Serbs ar just a collateral damage on their way to Syberia`s wealth.
Shadow government in Vatican is but giving a full leverage.
6 ponedeljak, 08 mart 2010 19:19
"Why are you rewarding Albanian violence with state power?" The member replied, "Because we're afraid of them."

A nas se, eto, nisu bojali.
7 ponedeljak, 08 mart 2010 21:06
Jasna Simonovic
Sizif, It is only a Hungarian member of the European Parliament who was afraid...Fear is a strong and very unconvenient feeling, and sometimes it is a good excuse even in such high positions where people should be swiorn to telling the truth...But I do not buy fear for general reason of "our" international "mis" position...Rather some deeper interest...certainly financial...zeros sometimes make a true disaster....even in minds of those committed to the brightest principles...
8 utorak, 09 mart 2010 09:30
Jasna Simonovic
I do not know what is American Council for Kosovo dealing with in detail, but...

It is certainy honest from Ms Julia to have written this article, even that years had passed since the evil happenings in Kosovo and Metohia, but since Ms Julia is "an unpaid advisory board member of the American Council for Kosovo", I would verz mkuch like to read (in Washington Post if possible) an article on comparative opinion of the members of this board, and also an opinion frpom someone "americanlly" smart on paid and unpaid members and also what "being paid" in this board means in terms of making important decisions, and, above all, in presenting the truth to the world, and nothing but the pure truth...Fear has nothing to do with it!
9 utorak, 09 mart 2010 11:24
Jasna Simonovic
And "Ala" is right...global war-economy is a topic in kind...But not only concerning military and political goods, but normal everday goods, such as medicaments, real estate, land, funds, etc.


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